
Littlestone Golf Club

CL Open Week - The Littlestone Pro AM (Team of 4) In association with Kent PGA

Wednesday 6th August 2025 - Championship Links Course,
Men play from White Tees
Ladies play from Red Tees


Category: Open to Ladies & Men

Timing: Played on a Wednesday Last Week of July or First Week of August.

Format: Stableford (Team of 4 of any combination with a Kent PGA professional. Best 2 from 4 to count on each hole) (Handicap Allowances 85%) 

Tees: Men = White, Ladies = Red Tees.

Eligibilty: Open to all Ladies & Men who are members of an affiliated golf club


Entry forms must be accompanied by the requisite entry fee paid by cheque or by a bank transfer.

Bank details:- Littlestone Golf Club Ltd, Sort code (30-90-28) Account no (02243904).

Please use reference surname and OW (event date) ie. joebloggsOW05/08/24

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